The 2025 CCA Texas STAR Tournament
RULES, RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT PARTICIPATION: 1. Only members in good standing of the Coastal Conservation Association Texas (CCA TX), the Coastal Conservation Association, or its youth organization, New Tide, and who are at least six (6) years old or older anytime during 2024, who register for the Tournament are eligible and licensed to participate. The Youth member must sign-up for the current year STAR tournament. Entry fee is “FREE” but will not be automatically included with a Youth membership. The entire responsibility for valid member status and correctness of any official entry form rests solely on the entrant. 2. CCA TX assumes no responsibility for registration availability at any retail outlet, nor is any retail outlet authorized to back-time or backdate any STAR registration, or weigh-in form. 3. No Top Prize Winners or member of their immediate family (father, mother, spouse, children, or relative aged 18 or older, living in the same household at the time of catch) are eligible for entry into the tournament for five years after winning a top prize, or ten years if participant has won twice before. A Top Prize Winner is defined as someone who wins any truck/boat package, boat package, UTV, or a first, second or third place scholarship or of equal or greater value if won in any past STAR Tournament Scholarship drawing. 4. Participants and fish must comply with State of Texas and Federal Rules and Regulations and agree to be bound by the terms of these STAR Tournament Rules, Release and Indemnity Agreement. 5. With the exception of the Guides Division, persons who presently or during the three (3) years prior to the beginning of the Tournament have acted as saltwater fishing guides, commercial fisherman, commercial finfisherman, bay shrimpers, bait shrimpers, gulf shrimpers, bait shrimp dealers as those terms are defined by Chapters 47 and 77 of the Parks and Wildlife code, or who have held licenses issued pursuant to those chapters or pursuant to any federal law are not eligible. The nominal sharing of expenses by participants is not considered operating a boat for compensation. 6. No salaried employee of the Coastal Conservation Association Texas or Coastal Conservation Association or their families shall be eligible to enter the competition for a prize. 7. Any person who has failed to pass the required polygraph examination, or any person who has at any time been charged with or committed an offense as defined in TPWD Rules & Regulations or Chapter 66, Section 66.023, Parks and Wildlife Code entitled, “Fraud in Fishing Tournaments” is BANNED from participating in the remainder of the tournament and any future CCA STAR State tournaments. DATES/TIME: 8. The Tournament will begin at 6:00 a.m. CST on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 and end at 6:00 p.m. CST on Monday, September 2nd, 2024. Only fish caught during this period will be eligible. FISHING METHOD: 9. Once a fish strikes a bait or lure, including if in a rod holder, the angler must hook, fight, and land the fish without aid of another person. Assistance by another is limited to rigging, casting, leadering, gaffing, netting, grabbing, or tail-roping the fish. Handling of the rod or reel any time after the initial strike will result in disqualification. GENERAL RULES: 10. All winning fish (except tagged red drum) shall be determined by weight. In the event of a tie, the fish that was submitted at the weigh station first shall be declared the winner. If weigh-in times are identical, the person who registered for the Tournament first shall be declared the winner. 11. All fish entered into competition must have been caught by the Participant and must be weighed, or in the case of red drum tags, (TAG ONLY) presented at a designated Official CCA TX Weigh-in Station. No transfer of fish among Tournament participants shall be allowed. No fish will be eligible for entry without signing the official weigh-in registration form. 12. Tagged Redfish, Inshore Division and all youth division species must be weighed in within 24 hours of being caught. Offshore Division species must be weighed in within 36 hours of being caught. No fish may be weighed in after 6:00 p.m. on September 2nd, 2024. 13. No frozen, spoiled, gutted, altered, or mutilated fish will be eligible for entry. TOURNAMENT BOUNDARIES: 14. Boundaries are the territorial waters of the State of Texas including the common boundary waters of Texas and Louisiana as defined by TPWD, and the extension of Texas borders seaward 200 miles. No fish taken outside tournament boundaries, from private impoundments or other waters not legally accessible to the general public will be eligible for entry. ENTERING TAGGED REDFISH DIVISIONS: 15. In order for a tagged redfish to be eligible in either the Red Tag or Blue Tag Division, the angler is NOT ALLOWED to RETAIN the tagged fish. After the catch, the angler, or an assisting person, must clip, cut, break, or otherwise remove the visible portion of the tag above the fish’s scales. TAG NUMBER must be VISIBLE on the removed portion of the tag. Once the visible portion of the tag has been removed, anglers are to release the fish as quickly, and as ethically possible, regardless of condition. If able, we ask the angler to film and/or photograph the release. The angler must present the removed portion of the tag at an Official CCA STAR TX Weigh-In Station, with the date and time of entry clearly marked on the official weigh-in form (tag will be retained by weigh station personnel). Each person shall be eligible to win only one top prize for any tagged redfish across all divisions. (See Rules 9-13) TEXAS FORD DEALERS RED TAG DIVISION: 16. A minimum of sixty (60) RED-tagged redfish will be released into the coastal waters. The tags placed on the redfish will read “CCA TX/STAR (Tag Nos. RE1576 – RE1700)”. Only the first ten redfish TAGS entered, having the tag described above, will receive a top prize. If a participant under 16 years of age, on the day of the Awards Presentation, is a first through fifth winner in the Red Tag Division, a college scholarship and boat prize package will be awarded in lieu of the truck/boat prize package. (See Entering Tagged Redfish Divisions, rule 15) BLUE TAG DIVISION: 17. A minimum of sixty (60) Blue-tagged redfish will be released into Texas coastal waters. The tags placed on the redfish will read “CCA TX/STAR (Tag Nos. BL1576 – BL1700)”. Only the first THREE BLUE-Tagged Redfish entered, having the tag described above, will receive a top prize. The following seven Blue Tagged Redfish Winners, will receive a runner-up prize. (See Entering Tagged Redfish Divisions, rule 15) INSHORE DIVISION: 18. Fish eligible to be entered into the Inshore Division are Sheepshead, Gafftop, and Black Drum. Winner is determined by weight. Heaviest fish wins. 19. Eligible entry lengths for Black drum are twenty-four (24) to twenty-eight (28) inches. 20. Black Drum must be measured on the official CCA Texas STAR measuring device supplied to the weigh station and measured using the approved CCA Texas STAR Means & Methods attached to the measuring device and listed on the CCA Texas STAR website ( Any fish determined to be any length less than twenty-four (24) inches or greater than twenty-eight (28) inches, will be disqualified. 21. Anglers must provide photo proof of the fish being measured in accordance to published STAR Means & Methods on the aforementioned measuring device within two business days of catch. All length eligibility protests must be submitted within two business days of catch. Final catch length eligibility will be determined by the CCA Texas STAR Tournament Committee. (See Rules 9-13) OFFSHORE DIVISION FISH: 22. Fish eligible to be entered into the Offshore Division are King Mackerel (Kingfish), Dolphin (Dorado) Ling (Cobia) and Red Snapper. Minimum entry weights: 30 pounds for King Mackerel (Kingfish), 20 pounds for Dolphin (Dorado), 50 pounds for Ling (Cobia) and 20 pounds for Red Snapper. There will be one top prize Winner in each category with four additional Runners-up. (See Rules 9-13) KIDS & TEEN SCHOLARSHIP DIVISIONS RULES: 23. All RULES, RELEASE AND INDEMNITY agreements of the STAR Tournament apply to this division. 24. Fish eligible to be entered into these divisions are Sheepshead and Gafftop. 25. All winning participant’s parent and/or guardian must agree to sign a scholarship contract that includes default provisions based on performance. The intent of this award is to provide an education at an accredited University, College, Junior College, Technical School, or Vocational Training Program. 26. Each child who submits a fish for entry must have a parent/guardian and/or adult sponsor who can verify this specific catch. At weigh-in, the parent/guardian and/or adult sponsor must sign and agree to abide by all STAR Tournament Rules, including polygraph testing. 27. STAR Kids must be at least six (6) years old anytime during 2024 and must be no more than ten (10) years old on the day of their catch. 28. STAR Teens must be at least eleven (11) years old the day of their catch and no more than seventeen (17) years old on the day the youth registered for the tournament. A youth who was seventeen (17) years old on the date of registration is deemed to be eligible throughout the tournament. (See Rules 9-13) GUIDES DIVISION: 29. All eligible guides (See who were present when a member of their party catches a division-placing fish, and all qualified tagged redfish catches, on a paid, or unpaid trip, will be entered into a drawing to win the division, pending polygraphs. 30. All Red and Blue tag winners will be worth 5 points. For all other divisions, a 1st place fish is worth 5 points, 2nd place 4 points, 3rd place 3 points, 4th place 2 points, 5th place 1 point. The guide must be listed on the angler’s Official STAR weigh-in form to receive entries. (See for more details and eligibility requirements) OTHER RULES: 31. If a participant under 18 years of age wins a prize, their legal guardian over 18 years of age will receive the prize in their behalf. 32. Any person, including minors and their parent/sponsor, must agree to the taking of a polygraph test, if required, and each person entering the Tournament agrees to submit to a polygraph. Polygraph tests are to be taken at the time requested by the STAR Tournament Committee. Failure to take and/or to pass the polygraph SHALL result in disqualification. All travel expenses are to be paid by entrant. 33. Any protest (excluding Black Drum lengths, see rule 20) must be submitted, in writing, to the CCA TX/STAR Tournament Director at 6919 Portwest Drive, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77024 by 5:00 p.m. by September 14, 2024. 34. The decision of the CCA TX, the Tournament Director, and the CCA Tournament Rules Committee, in their sole discretion, shall be final on any matter. 35. Top prize-winners are responsible for payment of any applicable taxes. PRIZES: 36. Participants shall be eligible to win only one prize or scholarship in the Tournament per year. If a person catches and enters the heaviest fish for more than one species in the Offshore or Inshore Division, they must elect the division for which they wish to claim top prize. 37. A Youth Scholarship top prize is defined as first, second or third place or of equal or greater value if won in the any STAR Tournament Scholarship drawing. Any youth can win only one top prize in the Youth Scholarship Divisions in their lifetime. If a Youth has previously won a top prize scholarship in the STAR Tournament, they are only eligible to win prizes in the Inshore, Offshore, Red or Blue Tag Divisions, after their required wait period. 38. Only Top Prize Winners will be required to attend the STAR Awards Presentation, at the time requested to take receipt of their prize. Runner-up prizes will be shipped to winner or picked up at the CCA TX STAR office. DISCLAMER 39. The entire responsibility for valid member status and correctness of any official entry form rests solely on the entrant. RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY: 40. IN CONSIDERATION OF BEING ALLOWED TO ENTER THE STAR TOURNAMENT, EACH PERSON AGREES AND CONTRACTS TO RELEASE, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR AND ALL COMMITTEE PERSONS, THE TOURNAMENT SPONSORS AND WEIGH-IN STATION OWNERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER CONNECTED WITH THE TOURNAMENT INCLUDING ITS PLANNING, OPERATION OR CONDUCT AND INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURY, WRONGFUL DEATH, SURVIVAL DAMAGES, ECONOMIC LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGES OR CLAIMS RELATING IN ANY WAY TO THE AWARDING OF PRIZES IN THE TOURNAMENT. IT IS THE EXPRESS INTENTION OF THIS AGREEMENT THAT EACH ENTRANT IS INDEMNIFYING EACH OF THE FOREGOING RELEASED AND INDEMNIFIED PARTIES FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR OWN NEGLIGENT CONDUCT, WHETHER SOLE NEGLIGENCE OR CONTRIBUTING NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, OUTRAGEOUS MISCONDUCT, STRICT LIABILITY, COMMISSION OF TORT, BREACH OF CONTRACT, AND BREACH OF WARRANTY. THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF ANY MINOR ENTERING IN, REGISTERING FOR OR FISHING IN THE TOURNAMENT DOES FURTHER CONTRACT AND AGREE THAT THIS RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT SHALL BE BINDING UPON ANY MINOR ENTERING THE TOURNAMENT. WINNER WILL BE REQUIRED TO EXECUTE AN ADDITIONAL RELEASE, INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRIZE. 41. ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE TOURNAMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY BINDING ARBITRATION CONDUCTED IN HOUSTON, HARRIS COUNTY, TX, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATON AND JUDGMENT UPON THE AWARD RENDERED MAY BE ENTERED IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF. 42. SHOULD LITIGATION OR ARBITRATION RESULT BETWEEN A PARTICIPANT AND CCA TX, IT IS AGREED THAT THE PREVAILING PARTY IN SUCH LITIGATION OR ARBITRATION SHALL BE ENTITLED TO RECOVER REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS.
2024 CCA TX STAR Black Drum Measuring Means & Methods
1. Black Drum must be EXACTLY twenty-four inches (24”) EXACTLY twenty-four inches (24”) OR GREATER and NO LONGER THAN twenty-eight inches (28”) in length.
2. At the Official STAR Weigh Station, the provided Check-It-Stik (Slant Board) measuring board must be placed on a LEVEL SURFACE with the LEGS FULLY EXTENDED and the nose stop to the left side of weigh (See Image 1)
3. Place fish FACING TO THE LEFT and the belly of the fish facing towards the weigh master and dorsal fin facing away. (See Image 2)
a. The fish’s nose must be touching the nose stop with the mouth fully closed and free of tackle, lifting devices, and anything not a natural part of the fish.
b. Body of this fish must be naturally sitting against the measuring device. If fish will not remain on the measuring device, it may be pressed flat against the measuring surface to remain in place. Weigh masters may ONLY place their hands in the approved areas when securing the fish. Approved areas extend from the GILL PLATE TO ANAL FIN ONLY.
4. With the provided Check-It-Stik is the Perfect Pincher to be placed around the fish’s tail and slid to NO FURTHER THAN TWENTY-SEVEN AND A HALF INCHES (27.5”). (See Image 3) During measurement,the Perfect Pincher must remain in contact with BOTH sides of the measuring device.
5. With the fish and Perfect Pincher in position as described above, record the length measured at the FURTHEST POINT OF THE TAIL. All measurements should be rounded to the nearest EIGHTH INCH (1/8”).
6. Fish may be measured a MAXIMUM OF THREE (3) TIMES, with the GREATEST length being recorded.
8. Black Drum with abnormal, severely damaged and/or deformed tails or noses and in the opinion of the tournament not normal in its appearance versus a healthy, non-damaged Black Drum, will not be accepted, regardless of fish’s length and whether or not the damaged area happened naturally and has healed over. Finally, all black drum entered into the tournament must have the left pectoral fin hole punched three (3) times, after weighing in, for the required three (3) photographs. Any drum with milky or cloudy eyes will NOT be accepted.
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Angler Documentation-TEXT PHOTOS TO 281-947-2258
- Anglers must provide photo proof of the fish being measured in accordance to published STAR Means & Methods on the measuring device provided to the Official STAR Weigh Station within TWO BUSINESS DAYS of catch!
- Photographs included with Official Weigh-In Forms must contain a total of THREE (3) UNALTERED, TIME-STAMPED PHOTOGRAPHS:
- The full length of the fish on the measuring device clearly showing the measuring device nose stop and maximum length, position of the mouth, and entirety of tail in accordance with measuring technique described. The fish’s left pectoral (side) fin must be hole punched three (3) times for the photograph.
- A close-up photograph, taken approximately twelve inches (12”) away, of the position of the fish’s nose, in its entirety on the measuring device.
- A close-up photograph, taken approximately twelve inches (12”) away, of the position of the fish’s tail, in its entirety on the measuring device.
- All length eligibility protests must be submitted within two business days of catch. Final catch length eligibility will be determined by the CCA Texas STAR Tournament Committee.
- All photographs must be TEXTED to 281-947-2258 with the angler’s name in the text.